Use of contraception to delay conception for a time period
I'm a 20 year old female and ive recently got married. I am doing my bachelors and around 2.5 years of university are still left. I am very uinexperienced in doing household chores and have just started to learn them. My father and mother in law also live with us and they need proper care and full time attention as they are quite old. My question is that can we use contraceptives to delay pregnancy for about 2 years as it will be extremely hard for me to manage my child aong with the house and my studies. I also dont want to leave my child at home from 8 in the morning to 9 in the afternoon. My husband also has a full time job and cannot take care of our child while staying at home. And it is very important for me to complete my studies. Please tell us if can use contraceptives fo delay pregnancy and what type of contraceptives are permissible in Islam. ?
It is permissible in Islam to use contraceptives with the mutual understanding of both the spouse.
میاں بیوی دونوں مشورےاور اتفاق سے کوئی ایسی عارضی تدبیر اختیار کرستکے ہیں جس سے بیوی کو حمل نہ ٹھیرے۔